The flora of Magdalen Hill Down

The aim of the Butterfly Conservancy is to restore the unique chalk downland flora to a state where it, again, supports healthy populations of the native butterflies that declined after World War II.

Cowslips Extension Field, Magdalen Down Hill, spring 2015.
Cowslips Extension Field, Magdalen Down Hill, spring 2015.
Cowslips and a pair of Wheatears siting on a bench, top of Original Field, Magdalen Down Hill, Spring 2015
Flowers Original Field, Magdalen Down Hill, summer 2015.
Field of flowers Allotments Field, Magdalen Down Hill, summer 2015.
Field of flowers behind Intech, Morn Hill, summer 2015.
Kidney Vetch, Morn Hill, summer 2015.
Small Blue butterfly on Kidney Vetch, Morn Hill, summer 2015.
Parasitic Broom Rape, Morn Hill, summer 2015.