Chairmans report given AGM on 13th July 2021

Chairs report covering the period February 2020 to June 2021.

This is the first AGM to be held by Friends of St Giles Hill Graveyard.

Thanks to everyone for your support during the year. A summary of our activity is given below under headings reflecting our goals for the year.

Structure and governance.

  • February 2020 – became constituted, the current constitution was adopted.
  • March 2020 – Planned open day postpones owing to Covid.
  • April/May 2020 – review of governance policies during the report period. Available documents outlining our policies cover safeguarding, data protection and privacy, safety and equality and diversity.

Accessibility: The introduction of mechanized tools has allowed us to keep the graveyard accessible. Working with hand tools is slow and requires many volunteers.

Increasing Biodiversity: Started preparing selected sunny open areas for sowing chalk grassland seed. This was done with the help of volunteers especially from the Rotary Club and the Rotaract Club. This was a great success. Other activities carried out include a programme of planting native flora plug plants. management of biomass on this site is carried out with the principle of no burning. Most of the material is used to make dead hedges or stumperies to aid wildlife. We have put up some bird nest boxes and plan to put up some bat boxes.

Getting people involved: Getting people involved during the covid-19 pandemic has been difficult. The monthly visits of the Community payback teams were curtailed and owing to the restrictions and our ability to organize volunteer work parties was limited. Despite this we have achieved much. Thank you to everyone.

Working with other groups:  We have been working with Rotary Club volunteers and hope that this will be a long-term relationship.  The Hampshire and IOW Amphibian and Reptile Group are carrying out a monitor survey. We are liaising with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission who periodically visit the war graves for maintenance. Other groups that we work with include the Winchester Rotary Club and Perlins Community Project based in Winnall who will be working with us in the autumn.

Cultural importance to community: We are using Facebook and our website to publish information and articles that explain the historic significance of St Giles Hill Graveyard to our local community.

Finances: The financial situation will be reported in detail by The Treasurer. The Friends have done very well with fund raising over the report period. FSGHG received £2165 during the report period and currently have £1032.19 in the bank account.

Other events:

Closure of the graveyard: The graveyard has recently been closed for burials. Winchester City Council (WCC) have already take over some work activity.


Looking forward.

In the coming period it is planned to work with The Rotary Club Conservation Group who we hope will support the graveyard with hands on volunteer activity in addition to the money donated. This includes the continuation of work to establish chalk grassland flora in open areas of the graveyard and putting up bird and bat boxes.

As restrictions are easing it will be important to increase the volunteer base and improve our workday planning by publishing a workday calendar and developing better communications. We would also like to better relationships with similar groups. Whilst continuing our existing relationships with interest groups we want to develop new projects with other groups in our area, for instance with Schools, Scouts and Guides or The University.

A longer-term project is to form a flint wall repair group. The wall is in a critical state crumbling in many places.

FSGHG will encourage further historical or archaeological research in the graveyard.

Currently our financial situation looks rosy, but there will be a long-term pressure to finance operation. We need to find a solution to this. Charging for membership has been one suggestion.

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